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Taiwan International Internship Program 2025 (Up to NTD 30,000/month)

About Taiwan International Graduate Program

In 2002, Dr. Sunney I. Chan, former Vice President of Academia Sinica, with the support of former Academia Sinica President Dr. Yuan Tseh Lee and former Minister of Education Dr. Ovid J.L. Tzeng, sowed the first seeds of the TIGP program in Academia Sinica. They envisioned a program through which young scholars could start their research/academic career in the best possible environment and be transformed into future leaders. The former Academia Sinica President Dr. Chi-Huey Wong had fully supported TIGP since his inauguration in 2006.

Aim and Benefits of TIGP International Internship Program

  • NTD 30,000/month stipend (before tax) and half of the cheapest route round-trip airfare of an economy class from the intern’s hometown to Taipei.

    Note: If the interns are from the same location in the same batch, the reimbursement will be based on the lowest price (Max. NTD 15,000).

  • On-campus accommodation will be arranged with affordable price.
  • Opportunity to acquire scientific education, receive hands-on training, and learn the Chinese language.

TIGP International Internship Program Courses

Requirements for TIGP International Internship Program Qualification

  1. Undergraduate students in their final year
  2. Master’s Students
  3. Individuals holding a B.S. or Master’s degree

Note: The followings are not eligible for the TIIP program:

  • Students pursuing a Ph.D. degree program.
  • Students/ Individuals who have attended the TIIP program before.
  • The current employees or research assistants at Academia Sinica.

Interview date, Process and Venue for TIGP International Internship Program

Application opens from 15th Dec. – 15th Jan.

Internship Duration: 2 months

  • 1st cohort: 1st May – 30th Jun.
  • 2nd cohort: 1st Jun. – 31st Jul.
  • 3rd cohort: 1st Jul. – 31st Aug.

Application Deadline

January 15, 2025

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Taiwan International Graduate Program on to apply

For more details visit: TIGP website.

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