job Trends

ICT Officer at Gatsibo District, Deadline Feb 3, 2025

Job responsibilities

 Promoting ICT program within the hospital  Ensure consistent digitalization system within the hospital  Adhere to the mission and vision of the hospital. 1. Coordinate all ICT activities in the unit; 2. Identify user needs and system functionality and ensuring that ICT facilities meet these needs; 3. Planning, budgeting, developing and implementing the ICT action plan; 4. Maintaining and developing a modern, cost effective, stable and secure ICT infrastructure available 24 hours. 5. Scheduling upgrades and security backups of hardware and software systems; 6. Monitoring of contracts with external suppliers for the provision of technical support as required; 7. Developing, in liaison with HR, a formalized training program for all users with the aim of raising skills, standards and awareness in the use of ICT applications;


    • 1
      Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
    • 2
      Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering
    • 3
      Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • 4
    Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Knowledge in system integration, developing large software applications, systems and databases
  • 2
    Knowledge of ICT sector policies, issues, and programs






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