Job responsibilities
1. Ensure all books of accounts and records related to payments are proper filled and under safe custody; 2. Ensures timely preparations of all financial reports (statutory, ad hoc and management accounts, including exception reports) 3. Record any taxes withheld and ensure its payment to the tax authority is done on time; 4. Receive, verify and record all transactions related to payment based on GAAP applicable in the country; Perform regular reconciliation statement for all RFA accounts; 5. Perform any other duties assigned by the Director of Finance and Administration
1Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
2Bachelor’s Degree in Management
3Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
4Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
5Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level /ACCA Foundation Level (Completion of ACCA Applied Skills papers)
6Bachelor’s Degree in Finance with CPA/CPFA/CPFM intermediate level /ACCA Foundation Level (Completion of ACCA Applied Skills papers)
Required competencies and key technical skills
1Analytical and problem-solving skills
2Decision making skills