Public Scholarships

2024-2025 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship I Deadline 15 March 2024

2024-2025 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship

Deadline 15 March 2024

2024 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship is a one-year, competitive fellowship program awarded to graduate students with training in quantitative methods who are attending PhD programs from any university in a variety of fields including economics, political science and sociology.

The aim of this fellowship is to expose students to strategies for utilizing quantitative techniques to explore key questions and themes advanced in the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy. Oskar Morgenstern Fellows spend two weekends and half a week during the academic year participating in colloquia on these three schools of political economy. Fellows will join a network of Mercatus students, alumni, and scholars who are conducting and engaging with cutting edge research in contemporary political economy.

Benefits of 2024 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship

The total award of up to $7,000 includes:

  • A stipend
  • All required readings
  • Travel and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center.

Additional sources of funding are available to our Morgernstern Fellows, including:


  • Any student of any nationality enrolled in any doctoral program at any university, in the US or abroad, is eligible to apply for the Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship. The program will arrange and cover airfare, as well as lodging and meals associated with the fellowship.

Students who meet all of the following 3 criteria are strongly encouraged to apply:

  • Students who will be enrolled in an accredited PhD program during the upcoming academic year.
  • Students who are able to commit to traveling 2 weekends and half a week for colloquia during the upcoming academic year.
  • Students with training in quantitative methods (including but not limited to advanced statistics, regression analysis, experimental economics, mathematical modeling and agent-based modeling) and have a research or teaching interest that would benefit from a greater understanding of key writings in political economy.

Application of 2024 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship

The online application includes:

  • A 1-2 page cover letter explaining:
    • your graduate school career to date,
    • your research interests and current projects,
    • your familiarity with the thinkers associated with the Austrian, Virginia and Bloomington schools of political economy, and
    • what you hope to get out of the program.
  • A current resume/CV
  • A few short answer questions.



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