Tender in Rwanda


Tender for Supply of two Vehicles for Sonarwa Life: (Deadline 26 December 2024)

Tender for Supply of two Vehicles for Sonarwa Life: (Deadline 26 December 2024) Attachment For more opportunities join our whatsapp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/D3QU0vjjAKNDtMuZllp5Rp

RFQ – Supply of Laptops and IT Equipments at Jhpiego | Deadline 31-01-2024

RFQ – Supply of Laptops and IT Equipments at Jhpiego | Deadline 31-01-2024 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Reference Number: TN 001 /Jhpiego-RW/FY24 INTRODUCTION. Jhpiego’s Mission Jhpiego enhances the health and saves the lives of women and families in limited-resource settings. For…